Corporate Training and Consulting

Redefine the Concept of Success

Photograph shows suffrage and labor activist Flora Dodge “Fola” La Follette (1882-1970), social reformer and missionary Rose Livingston, and a young striker during a garment strike in New York City in 1913.

Is your company evolving to meet the challenges of the new world, or is it stuck in an old paradigm of leadership? 

How can your corporation grow, diversify and add to your bottom line?

Business is changing.
Modern society has different needs. The employees of today have different values

In response, you need to develop powerful female leaders.

Female employees bring diversity, new perspectives, empathy, connection and collaboration into the workplace. Therefore the answer to meet the needs of modern society and today’s employees is to build a diverse, dynamic team where female employees are valued, encouraged and given opportunities to step up.


Corporate Training for Modern, Evolved Businesses

Training and Development Areas include:

Female Leadership Development

Coaching (one-on-one), training or workshops for female managers on the path to leadership positions.

Executive Coaching for Female Leaders

One-on-one customized support, training and coaching to take female leadership to the next level.